British brand story

英伦保罗品牌故事----Brand story of enlpaul







        In the sixties of the 20th century, Britain has a minor celebrity hair styling beauty brand, Paul, has always been orderly operation, brand to noble, elegant noble image, won the industry a lot of praise. Paul belongs to a considerable strength of the family business, and in 1951 was born Bowen Paul, it is the future of the family business successor.

        Bowen Paul accepts since childhood the good British family upbringing, intelligent agile, the family business also showed considerable endowments and interest, the University, Bowen Paul and family to discuss decision learning management professional. In 1973, Bowen Paul graduated with excellent results, after graduation he began in the family business, the knowledge of the practice and exploration.

        In the 70s of the 20th century, British outbreak of the economic crisis, many medium and small enterprises will be faced with the danger of bankruptcy, the fate of Bowen Paul family business is probably doomed, is on the verge of death. Now, Bowen, Paul suddenly began to realize their own a great responsibility, although he only then just graduation soon, many aspects of knowledge did not really practice, but Bowen Paul was dark be determined: to help family businesses survive the crisis. Everything comes to him who waits, after Bowen, Paul's key recommendations, and elder of the family business together, finally, family business survived.

        Due to the key moment of the Bowen, Paul presents important advice, helping enterprises to tide over their difficulties, 1978 family officially enterprise to Bowen, Paul management authority. Bowen Paul took over the company after the re examination of the brand, the overall shape of the brand image. Bowen, Paul management is undoubtedly correct, after years of development and growth, Paul Brand in Europe, America and Asia have the powerful brand influence.

        Bowen Paul very bullish on the Chinese mainland market, updated more comprehensive market analysis, decided to brand positioning for capable white-collar workers, young and beautiful, and the integration of family excellent British gentleman style, the brand name change to enlpaul. In 1994, the French crown group (China) Co., Ltd. for the brand carrier, officially entered the Chinese mainland market, and quickly took its unique market share.

英伦保罗品牌诠释----Brand interpretation of enlpaul

标识诠释--Logo interpretation


        The enlpaul signs, the use of full of life and vitality of the natural green design, in line with the aesthetic tendency of the modern fashion, environmental protection, to convey the "capable white-collar workers, young and beautiful" brand positioning, vivid, simple and beautiful; and logo in the middle part, using warm and bright warm tone to be decorated, Subtle and slight, full of the flavor of the times trend, highlighting the meticulous brand style and considerate service brand; shape design elements such as hair and beautiful, elegant and full of fashionable feeling is highlighting the theme of the hair, just right. Logo full of artistic color, full of innovative thinking, and the image of the appropriate.

品牌精髓--Brand essence


        Walking in the fast changing modern society, must maintain a self style unique, fashionable and spell able, or full of youthful vigor, or like urban white-collar workers, full of energy and move forward. The British Paul to its capable white-collar fashion modeling, young and elegant design style, and warm and thoughtful service attitude, create brand beauty products. Full of natural vitality of the brand logo design, focus on brand positioning of fashion and vitality, and strong strength of enterprises, all of which show the Paul "bear the brunt is beautiful" brand essence.
